The Scouting Association requires that 1st The Hague has a communications procedure in place for all our events and activities. This procedure, referred to as InTouch, covers all our normal activities in The Hague area, including our routine weekly meetings and any special activities carried out within our home range (within approximately 20km of Voorschoten). All nights-away and any activities carried out outside this area will have a specific procedure issued for that event.
Communications from Leaders to Parents
E-mail will be the usual notification method for upcoming activities. An e-mail will be sent out a few days before the event detailing the activity, meeting and pick-up locations and times and the responsible Leader. For routine meetings this is usually sent out 1-2 days in advance. For non-routine events we will generally send out a notice a week or two in advance and ask for a confirmation that children will or will not be attending. This will be followed by a reminder notice a few days before the event.
The MyScout function of Online Scout Manager (OSM) allows parents to see a summary of routine meetings and to see and sign up for non-routine events.
Communications from Parents to Leaders
If parents need more information than has been given they should e-mail or call the responsible Leader. For routine meetings it is not necessary to confirm that your child will be attending, however for planning purposes it would be useful if parents inform the responsible Leader by e-mail if their child will not be attending a routine meeting.
Emergency Communications
In case parents need to get an urgent/essential message to their child during an event they should call the nominated responsible Leader by mobile phone. Such communication should be limited, eg a parent being late to pick up a child or change of plans for pick-up. If they are unable to contact the nominated responsible Leader then they should call any other Leader known to be at the event and failing that the Group Scout Leader.
It is essential that we are always have up-to-date contact details and OSM is updated with changes to, for example, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or home addresses. If you cannot access OSM you should endeavour to reset, you password before contacting the 1st Hague administrator for assistance. Alternatively, you can advise the section Leaders or the Membership Secretary of any changes to your personal details.
Parent/Guardian Contact Details
It is essential that we are always have up-to-date contact details and OSM is updated with changes to, for example, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or home addresses. If you cannot access OSM you should endeavour to reset you password before contacting the 1st Hague administrator for assitance. Alternatively you can advise the section Leaders or the Membership Secretary of any changes to your personal details.

Young persons and mobile phones
In general, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts should not need to carry a mobile phone on Scouting events since communications should be channelled through the Leaders. If parents do allow their children to have a mobile phone it is at their own risk. If a young person does carry a phone it should not be a play-thing during the event/meeting; it is recommended that the phone be stored securely in a suitable cupboard.
Explorers activities are frequently less directly supervised than other Sections and a mobile phone may prove a useful safety device. A basic telephone with a small amount of pay-as-you-go credit is sufficient to fulfil this need; an expensive smart phone is not required and more susceptible to damage or theft.
Any use of mobile phones remains at the risk of the owner.