If you've recently been been offered a space in the the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers, the following information should hopefully answer many of the questions you may have about what you and your daughter or son need to do to prepare for their first meeting. Please don't hesitate to contact us if any of your questions remain unanswered.
The information you provided to us when you applied for a place for you son or daughter will have been entered into Online Scout Manager (OSM), our primary database for storing data pertaining to our youth members (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) and their parents/guardians contact details. You will receive an email advising you of your login details for OSM shortly after being notified that a space is available for your son/daughter. Please follow the instructions in the email to check that your contact details have been correctly recorded and your permissions have been given. In order to keep permission forms to a manageable minimum we have a Permission Forms Policy that you should take the time to read.
All sections meet during the British School in the Netherlands term-time. The time and place of each regular weekly meetings is detailed on our meetings page. In the first few meetings your child will get to know the other members of the Section and learn about the Section and Scouting in general before being invested after 4-6 weeks.
Young people are expected to maintain an attendance record in excess of 66% and parents/guardians are requested to inform the Leaders if a young person will be missing a meeting due to illness or other reasons. Please ensure your child is on time to start the meeting at the given time.
Please refer to our communications procedure (InTouch), for information on the communication procedures we have in place for all our events and activities and our policy on mobile phones.
The current subscription fee is €65 per term. Payment details will be advised to you by the Treasurer in due course. If you have any questions about our fees please contact contact the Treasurer.
There is no need to purchase uniform immediately but your child will require a uniform in order to be invested. Uniform can be ordered from Glasgow scoutshop, who will deliver to the Netherlands, and from a number of shops in the UK if you are visiting. The 1st The Hague Scout Group sources the neckers and one will be presented during the investiture. The 1st The Hague Scout Group does not currently insist on uniform trousers but dark blue or black activity trousers are ideal. Suitable outdoor footwear must be worn and since many activities take place outside, whatever the weather, a suitable warm/waterproof coat should be available.

Nights away from home, particularly camping, are an essential part of the Scouting experience. The biggest camp of the year is the District Camp which usually takes place at the beginning of May and we highly recommend that as many young people as possible attend this camp. The different Sections will normally have the chance to attend more age-appropriate events through the year. More information on future camps and the equipment required can be obtained from the Section Leaders.
Nights away for our younger members are frequently accompanied by at least one parent/guardian who must be background checked in line with Scouting Association guidelines; this can take several weeks to obtain so please apply well in advance. The process to be followed to obtain an adult background checks depend on your situation, so please refer to this information before you start the application process by submitting an adult volunteering application form (please check the "I wish to accompany my son/daughter to camp" check box).